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Career advice from Hays

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Hays place thousands of people in new jobs every year which gives us invaluable expertise in all areas of your job search, whether you're searching for a job, writing your CV, preparing for an interview, starting a job, leaving a job, looking to upskill or generally thinking about your next career steps. Our career advice pages cover all stages of the job search process, or contact your local Hays office for further advice.

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Hays Salary Guide

Hays Salary Guide FY24/25 is the definitive snapshot of salaries & recruiting trends for more than 1,270 positions across the region.

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Check your salary

Hays Salary Checker provides access to compare the highest, typical and lowest salaries for a job across the region.

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Resumes & cover letters

Discover key articles on crafting the perfect CV and cover letter to land the right job for you with Hays.

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Job hunting

Discover how to master the art of finding a job in your chosen industry.

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Interview tips

Find out the techniques and tactics to successfully complete a job interview. 

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Career development

Find helpful topics on how to climb the corporate ladder and advance in your career. 

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Read tips and advice on honing your skills from the experts at Hays New Zealand.

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