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Recruitment Manager salaries in New Zealand

a Recuitment Manager holding a piece paper and looking at her computer

How much does a Recruitment Manager earn in New Zealand?

Due to the value that these professionals bring to an organisation, they can command impressive salaries with many opportunities to increase their pay throughout their careers.
If you're a seasoned Recruitment Manager or have prior experience in recruitment and HR, you can earn a highly competitive salary by moving to a new role. Across all industries in New Zealand, these professionals are desired by organisations that want to reduce the time and expense of finding new talent.

What is the average Recruitment Manager salary in New Zealand?

According to the 2022/23 Hays Salary Guide, the average Recruitment Manager salary in New Zealand ranges between $120,000 and $160,000.
Download the Hays Salary Guide to get more information on Recruitment Manager salaries.

How does a Recruitment Manager's salary progress from entry-level to senior?

Salaries for Recruitment Managers vary based on how many years of experience they have, the industry they're working in and the organisation they're recruiting for. Those who are just starting their career can begin to expect increases in their salary as they gain more experience and take on greater levels of responsibility.

Entry-level Recruitment Manager salary

Entry-level professionals are typically in charge of a team of junior consultants. They will design and implement recruitment strategies for their team to use. They may also assist other HR professionals with recruitment-related tasks like creating job advertisements and compiling candidate resumes.
At this early stage, a Recruitment Manager can expect to earn around $120,000.

Mid-level Recruitment Manager salary

Mid-level professionals have several responsibilities when it comes to recruitment. They may be in charge of a large team and be responsible for their performance. They will also need to oversee a budget and drive change by improving recruitment processes. They may also take on more strategic tasks like developing talent pools, providing guidance to line managers and evaluating the business's recruitment needs.
Recruitment Managers at this level can expect to earn upwards of $125,000.

Senior Recruitment Manager salary

Senior professionals take on a high level of responsibility as part of their role. At this stage, you'll be expected to demonstrate strong leadership skills as you build a team around you and meet your recruitment targets. Additionally, you'll need to provide insight into the performance of your team and suggest opportunities for improvement.
Salaries for Recruitment Managers at this level can reach up to $160,000.
Use the Hays Salary Checker to benchmark Recruitment Manager wages in New Zealand or search for Recruitment Manager jobs with Hays.

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